SALLY PEARL was built in 2014 by local Cornish craftsmen to a design based on the Le Havre Pilot Cutter JOLIE BRISE built in 1913 by Albert Paumelle Shipyard to a design by Alexandre Paris. The pilot cutter design was a great success and JOLIE BRISE, in private ownership went on to win many races including the inaugural Fastnet Race in 1925 – and the Fasnet in 1929 and 1930. JOLIE BRISE has since become one of the most successful and well known tall ships on the circuit.
SALLY PEARL is a slightly scaled-down version of this original design being some 7ft shorter overall.
She was rigged and commissioned in 2014 then laid-up ashore for interior fitting-out. This has yet to be completed which allows the buyer an opportunity to design and finish the accommodation to their own personal requirements.
The heavily constructed hull is of GRP with encapsulated frames as per the original vessel. The ballast keel is also encapsulated in the original moulding. The deck is traditionally straight laid in iroko with iroko capping rails, traditional varnished ‘butterfly style’ skylight and curved top companionway hatches from the fo’c’sle head and cockpit.
The original build moulds are available if required.
Traditional gaff cutter rig with a keel-stepped spruce pole mast and topmast. Spruce pole bowsprit, boom and gaff. Full standing rigging with traditional wooden blocks. Sail plan designed.
Varnished cockpit with tiller steering.
90hp Ford Diesel Engine, reconditioned with feathering propeller.
Two anchors and various gear.
GUIDE: Sold – May 2020
LYING: Cornwall